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The *-docs-as-flashcards Project

For working professionals bored to tears by docs who need to learn them anyways 😭

(At least the docs I care about :)

Does this (check out the Tutorial)



There is a relatively mature roadmap (project board) in each repository to track the topics I intend to add in the future. See all *-docs-as-flashcards project roadmaps here

Why *-docs-as-flashcards exists

Docs are boring but very important. I’m a working professional, 101’s and bootcamps don’t cut it anymore. So I am building flashcards that closely mirror the official docs to help me get over that initial hurdle for technologies I need to learn, and for my own future reference.

I focus mostly on technologies surrounding the Microsoft ecosystem - these flashcards are more like an interactive reading of the docs, than proper flashcards, mirroring official documentation as faithfully as possible. The point is to trick myself into actually paying attention to what I’m reading.

A link to the docs-as-flashcards repository can be found at the top-right of this page. If you like what this project doing and want to help push it forward, consider giving this project a ⭐ in GitHub to show your interest